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Jerome Simian
9 nov. 201810 min de lecture
Building the world's greatest athlete.
The world record holder in the Decathlon is deemed the world’s greatest athlete. The decathlon is a track and field sport in which...
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Jerome Simian
3 nov. 20183 min de lecture
5 things I learned from Charles Poliquin
I took my first course with Charles Poliquin in Montreal in 1997. That was way back when he actually had hair! I was discovering the...
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Jérome Simian
1 nov. 20185 min de lecture
Choosing the right exercise.
Picking the right exercise for the goal matters! S&C aficionados often have passionate debates among themselves when its time to pick the...
637 vues
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Jérome Simian
31 janv. 20164 min de lecture
GPP for Golf
One of the nice aspects of my professional practice is witnessing athletes from different sports interact in my gym. They exchange and...
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Jérome Simian
24 déc. 20154 min de lecture
Philosophy, system, methods and that order!
When starting as a young coach, unless you are lucky enough to have a mentor take you under his wing, one possesses tools in lieu of...
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Jérome Simian
24 déc. 20153 min de lecture
Strength and weightlifting
' Do you want to be strong or lift big weights ?' This seemingly contracdictory statement is usually met with a blank stare of perplexity...
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Jérome Simian
24 déc. 20153 min de lecture
Of physical qualities
After 17 years of a practice where professional survival was dependent on results, it is a bit hard for me to suscribe to the commonly...
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Jérome Simian
24 déc. 20152 min de lecture
General physical preparation (GPP) and sports performance.
What is the physical preparation (PP) specialist role? I often say in a slightly slanted way that my role is to make athletes' technique...
1 109 vues
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