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Jerome Simian
3 nov. 20183 min de lecture
5 things I learned from Charles Poliquin
I took my first course with Charles Poliquin in Montreal in 1997. That was way back when he actually had hair! I was discovering the...
1 224 vues
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Jerome Simian
3 nov. 20183 min de lecture
5 principes que j'ai appris de Charles Poliquin
J’ai suivi ma première formation avec Charles R. Poliquin en 1997 à Montréal A cette époque il avait encore des cheveux sur la tête,...
3 552 vues
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Jérome Simian
24 déc. 20154 min de lecture
Philosophy, system, methods and that order!
When starting as a young coach, unless you are lucky enough to have a mentor take you under his wing, one possesses tools in lieu of...
554 vues
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Jérome Simian
24 déc. 20153 min de lecture
Strength and weightlifting
' Do you want to be strong or lift big weights ?' This seemingly contracdictory statement is usually met with a blank stare of perplexity...
490 vues
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